Sunday, 23 March 2014

Beetroot Raita

Continuing on the Salads theme here is another recipe that I picked up from my mom when I was in India.. I have given it a little twist and the result has been really quite delicious. Raita is an accompaniment to a meal in India, it helps cool off all those lovely spices we like to cook our curries with. A regular Indian meal is quite incomplete without a raita of some sort. Today when I got in the kitchen it was bright and sunny, but as I started working through what I wanted to cook a big black cloud moved overhead and the heavens opened, it completely changed my mood to cook. I ended up making a nice Tadka daal with Spinach, Roti, Rice and Raita. Perfect meal on a rainy day :)
Beetroots, when you look at them, they make you feel healthy, their deep red colour is very reassuring. Beetroots are quite versatile, I use them in cakes, salads, vegetables, soups.. you name it and they can add flavour and colour to any dish. Today I chose to make Raita out of beetroots. Here is what you need if you want to have a go. This will make a handsome portion for 2 or 2 portions if you want to enjoy this solitary.

Shopping List :-)

  1. Beetroot - 1 large size
  2. naturally set Yogurt, I used Greek, any naturally set yogurt is just fine - 2 tbl spoons
  3. 1/2 tsp - cumin seeds, roasted
  4. 1/2 tsp - Fennel Seeds, roasted - I roast the seeds just before using them so that they can impart and enhance the flavour.
  5. Salt to taste.
  6. a good pinch of sugar.
  7. Mint (optional)
Lets put everything together:
  1. Wash and peel the beetroot.
  2. Grate the Beetroot the texture you like, I did mine coarse. Fine grating will taste good too, but I like to have a good bite in my salads so I grate them quite coarse.
  3. Mix yogurt in the grated Beetroot.
  4. Crush the seeds quite coarsely and add them to the mix
  5. Add Salt and Sugar to taste.
  6. Mix everything up well.
  7. You can jazz up the raita, with a tadka on top. Heat up a little oil add curry leaves, pinch of cumin seeds and fennel seeds, a pinch of asafoetida, when it all splutters pour it over the beetroot mix.
  8. Garnish with Mint leaves.
I left my raita quite simple without a tadka. I hope you enjoy it the way I did. Do let me know if you try it :)


  1. I will not try it. I will wait till you come again and invite me for a meal.

  2. Sure Ramanna.. you are finally back on my blog the only one who comments religiously :)
