Last year I moved in a house that had a few fruit trees in the back yard, I wasn't too sure what I was going to get, all I knew was, they were apple and pear trees. So this year I waited and watched and there they were loveliest green apples I have ever eaten, am not sure what kind they are but really crunchy, juicy and the right amount of tang, makes my mouth water even when writing about them :) The moment I saw them I wanted to make a nice apple crumble, the best way I think you can eat apples for someone who doesn't like eating fruits :)
You will want to come back to this cake because it makes the house smell divine, the warm spices render a homely warmth to the house and you feel like embracing the cold weather with a heart warming bite :)
If you would like to give it go here is what you need to serve 5 handsome slices:
For the Cake:
Prepare the crumble:
Mix butter, sugar and flour in a large bowl. You need a big enough bowl that lets you break the butter in the flour and sugar mixture. Keep breaking the butter in till the mixture starts looking like bread crumbs. lift the flour while breaking the butter in and drop it with a height, this gets some air in the mixture and makes the crumble lighter. Set is aside
You will want to come back to this cake because it makes the house smell divine, the warm spices render a homely warmth to the house and you feel like embracing the cold weather with a heart warming bite :)
If you would like to give it go here is what you need to serve 5 handsome slices:
For the Cake:
- 2 medium green apples, try and use a little tart and firm apples, it will give to better flavour.
- 1 tea spoon cinnamon
- 1 cup Self raising flour
- 2 eggs
- 100 gms butter
- 1/2 cup vanilla flavoured caster sugar (use normal sugar, i just store some sugar along with a used vanilla pod to give it a subtle flavour.)
- 2 table spoons whole milk
- 1/4 cup golden caster sugar
- 1/4 cup Plain flour
- 100 gms butter (chilled and cubed)
Prepare a tin by buttering and sprinkling flour alternately use a parchment paper which will also make it easy to slide the cake out easily later, I used a bread tin for this
Prepare the fruit:
- Core and Slice the apples, in even slices, dont slice them too thick or too thin.
- sprinkle half of the cinnamon on the apples.
- In a thick bottom pan add some butter and fry the slices till they turn slightly brown.
- Turn the heat off and let them cool.
Prepare the crumble:
Mix butter, sugar and flour in a large bowl. You need a big enough bowl that lets you break the butter in the flour and sugar mixture. Keep breaking the butter in till the mixture starts looking like bread crumbs. lift the flour while breaking the butter in and drop it with a height, this gets some air in the mixture and makes the crumble lighter. Set is aside
Prepare the batter:
- Melt the butter and let it cool alternately use room temperature butter.
- Add the sugar to the butter and beat for 5 mins till the mixture looks creamy.
- Beat the eggs separately and add them to the butter and sugar mixture.
- Add a table spoon of flour and beat the whole mixture again for a min or 2 until everything is incorporated well. The flour stops the mixture from curdling. Even if the mixture curdles initially it is OK, after flour is added it incorporates well.
- Add test of the Cinnamon and flour and mix evenly.
- Do not overwork the flour.
- Add half of the batter to the prepared tin.
- Pour all the prepared apples.
- Add the other half of the batter and cover up the apples.
- Sprinkle the crumble mix evenly on the top
- shake the tin slightly so that everything settles in well.
Once the cake is baked well, take it out and let it cool completely, or if you are as greedy as me and can't wait, eat it warm with a dollop of clotted cream :)
Oh yes and I forgot to mention, try not to burn the roof of your mouth if you eat the cake straight out of the oven, I always do that never learn from my mistakes :-) I hope you get a chance to bake and enjoy this lovely cake :-)
This new look is fantastic and more reflective of your personality. Bright and cheerful.